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    I like to travel

    Prague is home to a number of well-known cultural attractions, many of which survived the violence and destruction of 20th-century Europe. Main attractions include Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, Old Town Square with the Prague astronomical clock, the Jewish Quarter, Petřín hill and Vyšehrad.

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    I like to cook

    I like to cook all kinds of food, especially dessert. Create account on Pixabay.com and download my photo for any kinds of your website project.

    Our Tea

     Green Tea Category
    Green Tea

    Green tea is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds.

     Red Tea Category
    Red Tea

    Red tea comes from a South African plant, rooibos, meaning “red bush”.

     White Tea Category
    White Tea

    White tea is processed leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant.

     Oolong Tea Category
    Oolong Tea

    Oolong tea is a traditional semi-oxidized Chinese tea (Camellia sinensis).

    Tea Making Process




    First, you need to select the leaves for harvest. In the spring and summer, you should notice a fresh ‘flush’ (a harvest in terms of tea is a flush) of young leaves and these are the perfect ones for tea making and the most prized by tea growers. Pick the two youngest leaves and the bud of each branch to give yourself a small pile of fresh soft leaves to work with.


    Traditional Chinese folk art has a long history


    The next step is to heat the leaves by steaming them. A steamer works best or you can use a colander over a pan of boiling water, steam for 1-2 minutes. You want the leaves to start to wilt and turn an olive green colour. Be careful when steaming that you don’t cook the leaves and to do this watch their colour but also ‘scrunch’ them in their cloth. You should never have the bundles temperature so high that you can’t carefully handle them and by feeling for them to go limp you’ll know they are ready for the next step.




    So now you’re looking at a limp olive green ball of leaves, which is warm to touch but cool enough to knead, much the same as bread. If you’re not keen in kneading the leaf, then using a sushi mat works well for this to get them nice and even, but you can also roll them in the palms of your hands – working them into narrow tubular shapes and as you do so, this breaks down the chemistry inside the leaf that will give your tea it’s flavour.




    Oxidation is the chemical process that is easiest to observe by looking at a dried tealeaf’s colour. The greener the leaf, the less oxidized it is. Like a cut banana turning brown, the tea leaf turns brown as it oxidizes.

    White and Green teas are the least oxidized (as apparent in the light and green colour of the leaf and infusion). Black teas are the most oxidized (as you can see in the dark colour of the leaf and deep crimson-brown of the infusion).


    showcasing more than 500 works of traditional folk art and contemporary art. The exhibition consists


    This part of the tea production process can be done in two different ways, Pan Frying or Oven Baking.


    Drying By Oven Baking

    Drying By Oven Baking

    If using an oven, place the rolled leaves on a baking tray in a preheated oven at 100C for 10-12 minutes and turn them halfway through. Once again be careful not to burn them, then allow to cool down and dry out a bit further.


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    Enjoy Your Cup Tea

    That’s it the tea production process is complete – you’ve made Green Tea! Put the kettle on and look forward to your first homegrown/ homemade cup of tea. Green tea doesn’t need to be hot however, so allow the water to cool for 3-4 minutes before brewing up.

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